About the Prints

M I C H A E L  D O V E N  –  T H E  P R I N T S  –  G A L L E R I E S  –  C O N T A C T


These exquisite fine art prints are available in a number of sizes for each of the images on the site. Michael Doven personally over sees and quality controls each print during the printing process.

Here are the steps involved in your print
Michael conceives a communication with an image.
He assembles, studies and prepares the gear necessary to achieve the shot envisioned.

He produces the shooting so as to take maximal advantage of the weather and light.

He travels extensively to achieve this often with many cameras, lenses, tripods and other equipment and often with an assistant.

He studies the subject and shoots many images of it from many angles with various cameras and lenses.

He safeguards the shot images, takes them to the studio and puts in extensive time, editing, sorting, cataloguing, sizing, scanning when needed and working on each image until it is ready for printing.

He then reviews the color settings for that print with Hugh Milstein, LA’s leading edge post production fine art printer at Digital Fusion.

When they are satisfied the colors are as they should be and the settings are correct, they make test prints and Michael and Hugh review and revise these until the print is of master quality.

Michael then does a quality control check on each print and signs it and numbers it.

He then takes the prints to Universal Art Gallery, (the “Best Framer in Los Angeles” says Los Angeles Magazine) for matting and oversees the matting process personally.

He then takes it to be wrapped and protected for shipping.

He then ships it and tracks it until it is in your hands.

He then conceives the next communication.


Expected display life
of your print

Each print has an archival rating of 100 years by Wilhelm Imaging Group, the leader in ink lightfast testing.